Hey all, last month I was trying to work with the eCollege tech guys in coming up with a way for us to stream video in our courses locally, instead of having to rely on Youtube or Vimeo (which I still don't think is a bad alternative). Anyway, a workaround that might be feasible for us is to actually publish the video within Captivate, and then upload the Captivate project onto the eCollege page as web content. It's quite a bit of a workaround, but it may be worth it if your SME really could benefit from video in his/her course. I am going to insert a blog post from another blog, which does a good job of laying out how to use flv + Captivate in order to get videos up in eCollege.
Ignore the part about getting a service from which to stream the videos. When you get to the step where you choose a source from which to upload the video, we will upload it locally and not from a a web server, unless you are interested in FTP-ing into the eCollege servers and streaming it from there. My idea is to just upload the actual video into Captivate, publish it, and upload it as a web content page. Technically, either way the video will be hosted on the eCollege servers, so I figure we might as well not stream it from the file manager. Anyway, the steps in the blog post below might give you some ideas at least.
The blog is found at CaptainCaptivate.com. It has some interesting tutorials, including stuff that is specific to Captivate 4.
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