Alright team, let's break some new ground with this blog post. I am sure you guys know by now that I am all about using the tools and software that we have to be the best designers ever. One of the richest resources that we have at our disposal is also perhaps the most under-utilized: Photoshop CS4. This is the most elite image editing software on the market right now and costs somewhere around a thousand dollars per license (of course we get it through the eLearners Suite—lucky us!!)
Anyway, I thought that I would throw together a demonstration so that you guys can at least get some exposure the world that is Photoshop. In a past life, I was something of a Photoshop guru of sorts. I have forgotten a great deal, but still know a little. In this video I will demonstrate how to create reflections of images. Reflections are a big deal right now in print advertising and web design, and much of it is done very poorly. But in reality good reflections can actually be pretty simple to execute. So anyway, give this tutorial a whirl and try out Photoshop if you haven't cracked it open yet.
In this tutorial you get exposure to:
Transforming Objects
The various toolbars
Marquee tool
Gradient tool
Quick Mask Mode
Selection tool
Magic Wand
Gaussian blur
p.s. @Tracy, this post is an example of embedded YouTube code.
Also, my apologies for the lack of clarity in the video. I published it in something like 16 bit instead of 32 bit. Also when YouTube converts it to flash, a little bit of clarity is lost in the translation. So the gradients are not very impressive in the demo and the presentation is generally not clear. But you get the gist.