Hey team,
First things first, I am transforming that dummy course that we used during my demo into an instructional design showcase. I am going to go in and edit the course metadata, but for now you can find it at:
CID400 Dummy course(4562905)(Admin Access) - .NExT Course
I deleted our demo projects and uploaded some showcase interactions. What I am trying to build is a resource center that we can use to nudge our SMEs into the realm of interactivity. Of course content is always king, but what we used to call "bells and whistles" are very quickly going to become standard procedure. The millennium generation is going to introduce a new wave of matriculates that are going to pretty much demand a hands-on, flash laden, almost visceral experience from tomorrow's elearning courses. And we have the tools to deliver.
I want to point you guys toward the Articulate Engage community board. This is where creative developers from the online community can post home-grown interactions and share them with us. I tried a few of them today (and posted them on the dummy course), and they are very easy to install and give us a few more options in our battery of Engage interactions. So check out these websites:
I find that second link to be especially interesting. It is the Articulate blog.
My final note is that I want to let you guys know that I will be spending a lot of time creating the ID showcase and I hope to be able to put some fun content up there that will help you and your SMEs. If you have questions about anything, let me know. But also, feel free to tinker around with our products as well. If you create something interesting and useful, let's put it up on the showcase. Especially play around in Captivate. I think that I have Engage pretty much covered (for the most part), but if you think of an improvement to any of the interactions, let me know and I will email you my file and let you play with it, or I will make the change myself and upload it.
Hey team, Won and I are at the Sloan-C Emerging Technology conference (#et4online), and I wanted to share some ideas with you all regarding the utilization of audio and video features in our discussion boards. The presenter who inspired this post is Michelle Pacansky-Brock who wrote an ebook about VoiceThread. Her institution bought a site license so that students could make comments on VT via phone, ensuring that technology wouldn't be a barrier to student participation. My thoughts are that our online and most blended students have both computers with webcams/microphones and smartphones. I think that in Canvas we don't need to rely so much on VT to facilitate an audio/visual discussion, as these features are integrated into the learning platform. Michelle conducted research in her classes via surveys and discovered that when she as an instructor left voice and video comments, 97% of the students appreciated such comments. However, 75% of the students were unwilling ...
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