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CID Blog!

Hey all, I thought that I would set something up for us in the way of a platform where we can collaborate and share ideas. Kassel told us before he left that the worst thing that could happen to us is that we lose our value by becoming merely data entry people. There is more to this job than merely cutting and pasting, and we should be creating value for ourselves and for the team by searching out new ways to make the curriculum interesting to the students and effective while flexing our creative muscles. My thought for this blog is that we can form a community among the CID department that will allow us to share ideas and processes with our teammates. As many of us work fully remotely, collaboration is difficult. This blog will allow us to share best practices and give/receive useful suggestions. So feel free to post on this blog. I invited each of you to be authors (via your work emails). Whenever you post, make sure to use the labels. Put your name as a label, as well as whatever topics you are addressing in the post (i.e. clipart, html tips, powerpoint, captivate, etc.). That way your good insights and wisdom will be easily searchable.


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