Hey team, Won and I are at the Sloan-C Emerging Technology conference (#et4online), and I wanted to share some ideas with you all regarding the utilization of audio and video features in our discussion boards. The presenter who inspired this post is Michelle Pacansky-Brock who wrote an ebook about VoiceThread. Her institution bought a site license so that students could make comments on VT via phone, ensuring that technology wouldn't be a barrier to student participation. My thoughts are that our online and most blended students have both computers with webcams/microphones and smartphones. I think that in Canvas we don't need to rely so much on VT to facilitate an audio/visual discussion, as these features are integrated into the learning platform. Michelle conducted research in her classes via surveys and discovered that when she as an instructor left voice and video comments, 97% of the students appreciated such comments. However, 75% of the students were unwilling ...
These application programming interfaces (APIs) are all the rage these days. We hear about them in online commerce, social media, and now they are flooding the world of education and online learning. So what are they exactly? An API is a way for websites, programmers, and applications to communicate with each other, exchanging information. If I have a database with information that I would like to disseminate then I can develop an API and make that accessible to the world. External developers can then create APIs with the purpose of communicating with my API, and thus extract the information that I am making public. It's similar to the notion of "my people will contact your people and we'll make this happen". Only the people in mention is actually a software-to-software exchange. Why APIs are important APIs are a way to access information or databases which would otherwise be inaccessible. For example, my database might be protected ...